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Designed for modern applications

Say goodbye to thousands of lines for a simple visualization. Daxa speeds up the developement process significantly.


Daxa removes most of the usual boilerplate code. Drawing a simple triangle is now possible with ~60% less lines without hurting customization. Prototyping was never this easy!


Daxa makes use of modern technology, such as the bindless shader model, named parameters and a C++ API.


Daxa uses Vulkan under the hood. Use GPU acceleration to speed up your app significantly.


Daxa features easy resource lifetimes, an ergonomic swapchain, simple renderpasses, internal validation to ensure correct vulkan use and preventing wrong use by design!


Daxa is completely open source. This has lead to many great features, such as raytracing support and enables easy creation of multiple language bindings


Daxas C-API makes it easy to create bindings for a lot of languages, so Daxa can be used in even more languages!

Prototyping made easy

See how Gabe Rundlett created several visualizations in just 1 week using Daxa

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Made with Daxa

Take a look at a selection of projects made using Daxa. Daxa can be used for simple applications, but can even power awesome engines made by the community!

Click on a project to see inside. All of these are 100% Open-Source